Saturday, July 15, 2006

This week's update

So this week has been a long week. We spent last Fri-Sun in MA, Sun night in ME, and then M-F in MA. yuck. We were staying at my friend's house taking care of her two dogs, a chinese crested and a bagel (beagle/basset mix). They are not too fond of puppies and didnt like Tara and took every oppurtunity to snap at her they could, especially Lulu, the bagel, Tara would get up and be clear across the room from Lulu and she would snap. They aren't real used to puppies at all and she was taller (obviously) than both of them so that didnt help. Right now Tara and Luke, the 9 month old shepx I'm boarding for 20 days (I picked him up last night) are rolling around the living room wrestling and biting each other. Even though Luke is about 20-25 lbs heavier than Tara, he's not much taller and they seem to be a pretty good match. They are both herdy and try to grab each other's legs and Tara gets really frustrated (it seems) when he evades her. It's funny to watch. They take turns pinning each other and when Tara is underneath belly up she kicks him repeatedly with all of her legs and makes me laugh. : ) Anyway, puppy class was fun this week, everyone commented on what a good little herding dog she was being, keeping everyone in a group, lol. She played alot with a new husky pup in the group and a corgi. So far her dog skills seem impeccable. Then we had obedience on Tues. night and that was good too. Her heeling is just awesome. We had a 9month old cockapoo in class new this week that she played with too. On Wed. she had her boring day, and then we spent the night at Gemini, and I worked with her on walking through a ladder on the ground, in preparation for agility. I also want to start working with her on tippy boards and stuff like that to get her ready for the teeter-totter when the time comes. Boy do my dogs have a blast tearing around that huge space. She's not crazy about the gravel dog runs outside, but she's getting better about it. Pretty much the rest of the week I wasn't feeling so well, so we were pretty lazy about getting out and doing things. I want to get back to Cambridge with her again soo. Hopefully this week coming up. I also sent a letter to join the Collie Rescue LEague of New England today and to volunteer to be a foster home, a letter to join the American Working Collie Association, and an email to hopefully joing the Collie Club of Maine. I also ordered a bunch of books from dogwise on all kinds of good stuff (obedience, backpacking, tracking, training a performance dog, and the working collie book). So yeah, lots of good stuff coming, and I also plan on doing her AKC reg. online this weekend too. I'll post some pics later.


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