Friday, April 27, 2007

Recent Pics

Tara and our bunny Risi, she's so good with him. She loves following him around and sniffing him, wagging her tail real silly like a fool! All Risi has to do is lower his head and look at her and she backs off with her more intense sniffing. They are so silly. Risi is 8yrs old which is quite old for a bunny, but he doesn't look or act it.

There are some other new pics of Tara and Orion together at the beach on Orion's blog:

I have wonderful dogs. She's up to a whopping 38lbs, lol. I also measured her at the withers and she's about 21-22", I don't know where I got the idea that she was 23-24". : ) She's brilliant. In one session I taught her the the halt-pivot left 90 (and pivot left 180 or anything for that matter) - halt, in one training session. She's fantastic! I taught her to back-up on cue in one training session. I taught her how to shake - which I never did before, in two tries of one session, she offers it all the time now in any environment. She retrieves a metal spoon from any where and puts it in my hand. She's fabulous. I had her picking up and retrieving the metal spoon in one session. How awesome. I really just don't have anything negative to say about her brain power. She's a smart girl.

We're supposed to be in a whole bunch of rally trials coming up, but that remains to be seen at this point due to finances, but I'm hoping to get to all we can.

We're also going to be starting competition obedience run-thrus up here in Maine, so that will be good for us too. We've met some nice people with dogs too.

And she's fabulous about being brushed now too. I can really brush her for a long time now, before it was always in 5-10min increments, now I can brush her for 30-45 mins and she's fine. She's never had a problem with me trimming her nails.

Tara's also really been enjoying the return of our streams due to all the rain and snow melt. She goes off on her own in the yard, when we are out there for any length of time, on a personal mission to go bite at the biggest little waterfalls in the stream, barking, jumping and running up and down the stream. I really should've gotten some video of her antics, but now the streams have dried up considerably, but I'm sure we'll be getting more rain.

We were also in the city for the first time the other night since she was a little puppy, and she had no issues with the transition, the people, bikes, buses, taxis in Harvard Sq. didn't through her off at all. : )

Hopefully we'll be getting to more agility classes too in the next few months. . .



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful collie, first time visiting your blog!

9:36 PM  
Blogger Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

A dog who is smarter than me...that's not good haha! She is beautiful, reminds mom of Lassie...of course. Mom knew that collies were very bright.

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I love the new pictures! The bunny is cute too. :)

11:32 PM  

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