Monday, April 02, 2007

Some Tara-girl brags and what's to come

In list form, because I'm lazy and have hardly updated in so long!

- Tara was walking off-leash with Orion, Oen and I the other day, when I saw 8 deer come out of the woods to cross the dirt road we were on, I called Tara off them (she was just starting to hone in on them) and she came and sat at front. What a good girl! Big rewards for that for sure! I don't think she's ever even seen deer, definitely not that many. She's soooo good off leash, and always comes when I call her.

- In our last obedience class, we were complimented on our "perfect" figure 8! Woo-hoo! Competition obedience here we come! She's also catching on to "stand" too, even though I'm horrible about working on it with her.

- Our agility class has been canceled temporarily, but we got to play on the agility equipment ourselves the other night at Gemini. I was working on serpentines (with 3 jumps) with her and she caught on so fast! I'm not really worried about our agility future either (unless you count my lack of handling skills as being worrisome, lol)

Upcoming for us:
4/5 -We go for CGC (Canine Good Citizen) on Thursday! I'm pretty confident we'll pass, but you never know.

4/14 - We go for our 2nd RN (AKC Rally Novice) leg. We've missed our past 3 shows (the Dec. one cause I had pneumonia, 3/2 because Tara came into heat, and 3/17-18 in NH because of freezing rain and snow that made driving 3 hrs impossible). I'm expecting a snow storm, lol. : ) The show is in Bath, ME

5/19-20 - We go for our 3rd (hopefully) RN leg and our first (hopefully) RA (AKC Rally Advanced) leg in Scarborough, ME

5/25 - We go for our 2nd (hopefully) RA leg in Fitchburg, MA

5/26-27 - We go for our RL2 (APDT Rally Level 2) title, and 4 more RL1 legs (when you get 10 Tara's RL1 after her name will become a RL1X)

5/28 - If we're lucky, lol, we'll be going for our 3rd and final RA leg in Fitchburg.

If we accomplish all that it'll be very awesome! We'll see, Tara's really good, but you never really know what might happen. I'd like Tara to finish her RN, RA, and her RE titles for AKC, and her RL2, and RL3 titles for APDT, but we definitely have some work today for the advanced classes and a whole lot of work left for the excellent classes. I think the hardest thing for her is going to be the exercises where we have to heel through an offset fig. 8 of food dishes with food in them! She'll be off-leash and she has to ignore them! Yikes! : ) But we're working on it. Hopefully we'll get there in time, if not we'll just wait.

She's an awesome girl and I think we are starting to get a handle on her stomach upset with some new digestive enzymes added to her food. Hopefully there is still raw in her future.

We are also taking our trailer with us to VT for the first weekend in May, hopefully we'll get plenty of fun outside hiking time while we are there.

Pics are coming as soon as I can get them up, I've just been super-busy and neglecting her site.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Gosh it looks like you and Tara are going to have a very busy Spring ahead of you. Can't wait to hear all about them. Hoping to get Dakota out to finish his Canadian CH the end of the month. Here's hoping I can get him all prettied up by them. Not going to do any obedience with any of them this Spring, but do hope to get in a few herding classes. Should be fun. That will depend on gas prices. UGH. We'll see.
When you get a chance email me what you are now giving her for her tummy. I may want to try some of it when I try to switch everyone back over to RAW. Micki still tends to get loose stools when given too much fat. Maybe it will help out some.
Give Tara a BIG hug from us and GOOD LUCK on Thurs.

8:01 PM  
Blogger PerfectTosca said...

Aw Geeze!

Love, Tosca.

10:17 PM  

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