Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Well I didn't think it was a herding instinct test, but it looks like it was, lol. (i know --- weird that I'm not entirely sure yet -- but i do have a piece of paper saying "dog qualifies as being herding instinct test certified"! -- so i think it counts? I'll have to check. Tara had an absolute blast. I don't have footage of all of it (unfortunately I only have video of the first few minutes -- it got more interesting later...), but as soon as I get it off the camera I'll post it here. She definitely had a lot of fun and we got some nice compliments. The judge/trainer's comments were: "Dog had a grand time once she figured out that chasing was allowed. She has a stamina and moves well - especially for a collie. Nice entry! We turned her on to herding." So I'm happy, and she definitely did have a blast. It's always nice to know that an extremely experienced herding person (check out her farm here: http://www.raspberryridgesheepfarm.com ) thinks you have a sound dog that's "sufficient for stock". Woo-hoo Tara! Now we have to try to fit some fun private herding lessons into our life. That will only add another expense and more driving. Can't waste her potential though, lol. So more exciting news. Yay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I think that is her HT. WOOHOO. Isn't it nice to hear those comments (especially for a collie lol). I took Micki, Dusty, and Sunshine several years ago to have them evaluated and the instructor said the same thing. First time in a long time that she had seen collies with as much drive as they showed in a long time. And she is also a judge so I was pleased. The McMaur is a nice working line. I am thrilled that you are exposing her to all these things.
Miss her-(
Kay and the rest of the Rainbow Delight family

11:58 AM  
Blogger Southbaygirl said...

You are such a lucky dog! Sheep herding is SO MUCH FUN! I hope you're mom takes you lots! I go every sunday here in california and enter competitions! I train with one other Collie-I don't see many of them...so it's great that you got such great words!! tell me all about your herding escapades if you start!


2:18 PM  

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