Busy week for my Tara-girl : )
So this week we started Agility!!! Yeah! Tara did awesome. : ) We worked on doing lots of stretches to make sure they get all warmed up first, which she already knew how to spin and bow, and that was all Carolyn wanted us to do so far because she's so young. Then we worked on going over jump bumps and really low bumps, and walking through a ladder. Tara had already done all of these things with me, so she did great : ) Then we went through low tires and really short, straight tunnels, again no problem, although she hadn't done tires before, she had done tunnels before, so having them straight and short was a breeze because she's used to tearing through them at all angles when playing with Orion. The final thing we did was the A-frame set really low, which she wasn't crazy about, but did do with lots of reinforcement, and I really think she's going to fine with it, because as soon as we finished going up and back down the first time, she started to up again on her own without encouragement. So all in all an excellent first day of agility. : ) Yeah, Tara. She's also still doing superwell in obedience class, and on Tues we went downstairs while agility was going on and practiced stays down there again, and I think she did better than last week. Overall she's just awesome, so easy to train. Today, Saturday, we just got back from the dog show that's going on in North Conway, we walked around quite a bit and I had her praticing her heeling, downs, sits, stays and recalls well we were there, and I would say we had about 95% accuracy. She's very good! She's a piece of cake. On Thursday before we came back up to Maine, I brought Tara over to my friend Shirley's house and she got run around with 5 mixed breed puppies she's fostering and get real tired before we got in the car for the 3 hr ride home. I got my new laptop, haven't retreived the pics from the old hard drive yet, but I have some pics on my camera right now that I will try to upload in a little while, and then next week when I get the old stuff if there's anything I haven't posted from there, I can do that too. Tomorrow Tara's getting a bath. hehehe, I don't think she's gonna be crazy about it, but she needs one. Anyway, I should be back soon with photos. C ya.
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