Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Tara's friend Ash was here this weekend and she was happy to see him. We've not had many boarding/foster dogs for a while, so it was about time she got some good play in with one of her friends.

This weekend we also went to MA for a Kathy Sdao seminar. She had a blast greetings some dogs, running in the fenced in yard and going for walks on my breaks. She also got to practice chilling while we are at gemini, which is hard for her to do, since she's so used to be working while we are there. She was pretty good though and only let out a couple frustrated barks. : )

My summer goal is to really get cracking with her on agility. Since moving to Maine, its really not something we've spent much time on, due to lack of a close training facility, especially in the winter. This year I am determined though. I like agility and so does she, its something we should really find time to do. So today I busted out our weave pole set. She was excited to see them and immediately was where we left off, many months ago. Weaves are going to be our first focus. We also need to work on front and back crosses, which we can practice with chairs, and heeling on my right side. We spend so much time working on traditional heeling with her on my left side, because of rally, that she's not great at working on my right side. I can work on all of that at home, and we can also work on some jumping. Now that its warmer I will also be back in MA more, so getting some equipment and class time at Gemini should be easier. I'm really going to make an effort. I get so sad when I watch youtube videos of everyone else's dogs doing agility, because I know that my dogs are capable of it too. I hate missing out on that fun! I really want to get a teeter at home as well, cause that's something both dogs need to work on.

So, hopefully we will have a busy summer with the dogs and lots of time to work on dog sports. I have some pics I need to post, but I've been lazy about uploading them. Hopefully I'll get to it soon, they are already old, from before all the snow melted.

Right now its raining, and our spring stream is wide and roaring down our hill. Tara loves to run and jump in it, and bites at the water as it makes its way down the hill. Sometimes she gets so excited about the stream that she gets the zoomies. I love it when that happens.

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Blogger kenny8blog said...

That looks like a happy,free,doing their own thing trio.

10:46 AM  

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