Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tara's upcoming schedule : )

So now that we have our RL1 we have to go out and attempt to get our RN (Rally Novice Title) through the AKC. So I'm doing this to help me see what I have planned coming up, and to let you all know what our plan is, if you are interested.

Nov. 5, 2006 Tara's Herding Instinct Test (which I have yet to register for and pay for because I've been poor, so hopefully there is space left!), this would give her HIC after her name, lol. It's being put on by the Collie Club of Maine, I'm really crossing my fingers that there is space left!

Nov. 18, 2006 Pet Expo in Maine, may go for our CGC, depending on how we are feeling that day and how they have the test setup. Not sure though, I might wait to go for this one until she's a little older, we'll see.

Nov. 27, 2006 Rally Trial in W. Springfield, MA, the last day of the huge and very well-known Thanksgiving Cluster. Sooo many dogs! We'll be going for our first RN leg.

Dec. 1, 2006 Rally Trial through GSD club I think, in Fitchburg, MA. We'll be going for a RN leg.
Dec. 8, 2006 Rally Trial at Bay Colony Dog Show in Boston, again we'd be trying for a RN leg.

So I guess I should try to get down to MA for a few more rally classes between now and then! I'm going to take 2 wks off (this week was one of them) from going to MA on Mondays and then maybe come down on 11/6 and 11/20 for sure, then I'll be here the 27th if I enter the trial in Springfield. Maybe I'll come down on 11/13 for another class, probably not though, and probably not 12/4 either, since I will have spent the past week in MA, more than usual. So that's the plan for us I guess. Maybe over the winter we can start up herding lessons, if I can get the money. I really want to find some place local to drop in to rally and obedience classes too, because I really want to start training for her CD (companion dog title through the AKC).

In March the CCofME is holding a Rally trial on 3/2, so we'll definitely be there, and also a few weeks before that, the CCof CT is holding a Rally trial all weekend long, 2/9, 2/10, and 2/11, so hopefully we can make it to that as well. In March there is also the CCNational in NC (where I have friends), around my bday, so it might be nice little vacation, if we could go. I think that would be very cool, to get to hang out with lots of other performance collies. Then of course we really need to look for APDT trials too, because they are few and far between and really fun, if this past weekend was any indication of what's normal. So yeah. We only have a few plans, lol. : ) We are going to be busy, busy, busy training. Tara's so eager to learn and has so much fun doing it though, that I'm not worried about her at all, she is always enjoying herself, and she has plenty of oppurtunities to play with other dogs and be a puppy too. : ) Tara rocks. Goodnite all.


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