Long busy week
We spent way more time in MA, then we usually do this week. Tara got Rally, Obedience and Agility classes this week. We pretty much went down early to start getting ready for our RN. But being there alot of extra time got her to meet a lot of new dogs this week. She played alot with a boarding 12wk old lab named Yoshi, they had an awesome time. And on Monday night she got to play with a Ridgeback puppy named Jasuri, Sadie - an adult great dane, and Wyle - her ACD friend. So that was fun. Then on Tues. after obedience she got to play with Deja an Aussie puppy. On Wednesday, after agility class, she got to play with Steiff, our instructor Carolyn's 6yr old Parson Russell terrier, who by the way is an ADCH and a MACH, wow, so awesome, we can only hope to get there someday. Anyway, she just had a great week with lots of play to make up for the extra car time. So now we are cracking down on rally again, we have to really work on our moving down, I haven't done that with her in a long time. I did it when she was a little puppy alot, but haven't really worked on it since. Anyway, this is just a quick update. : )
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